Thursday, May 28, 2015

Eagerness and Ambivalence?

Through all of my eager anticipation to see my dear family and friends in Guatemala, I have been a bit ambivalent for the first time in the last 10 years about going to Guatemala. Details of that involve my mother's health, and even being away from her for so long! There are a few things that have happened this last week that have revealed to me once again that God has called me to this place, with these people on my team, and in Guatemala.

1. I travelled home to see my Mom and say goodbye and am now more convinced than ever that  even after the scare we had 3 weeks ago, Mom will be fine. Her heart is still delicate, and breathing is a bit harder for her, but her color is good, and her will is strong. My husband and kids came with me to see her as well, and as my older sister Nellie
said to me, those moments are precious. Time is precious with her right now. BUT not to put my life on hold, Mom would not want that.  I was able to share and read from the Bible with her
Psalm 139: 23 "Search me oh Lord, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts." Those words were not only great for her to hear, but for me as well.
When Proverbs 31 was written, I'm certain he had my Mom in mind "Many women do noble things, but you MOM, surpass them all." She will be here when I return, God willing, I am sure of that now. God is good.

2.  A few weeks ago, I was asked if a woman attending the mission trip could join our group for language school. Glenna Spindleman will be joining us and fills a void for an adult leader the first week, enough said. Until this last week, I didn't see clearly that it was God's will that she be there to support me (she already has) as I struggled with my Mom. I am sure that God placed her with our team in Antigua. God is good.

3. Details came together so smoothly for transportation and this organization, Students International, have I said how amazing they are? Well, they certainly have not only given, but cared, truly cared to make this experience a great one for the students. I give God the glory, but am so thankful to be an instrument working alongside of Students International. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

So after our family bbq with the team, we have been packing, and in my case, repacking, and collecting donations to bring, and rechecking the scale.  We will meet at CVC to go to Hanford and take Amtrak to the airport in LA.  At this time in 48 hours I will be waiting to board the plane.
A few things not to forget: our passports and wear our team shirts! 

Love your goofy humor! Guatemalans love it too!

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