Sunday, September 6, 2015

Living the Story

“ Living the Story”

2015 marks 10 years that our school, CVC,  has been given the opportunity to join with Students International in missions in Guatemala. For those years, the hearts and homes of the Guatemalan people have been graciously opened up to the students here at Central Valley Christian High School. “They have become as family to my family, and we have been able to bring our children each summer.” All 3 of the Branderhorst children have been on the mission trip and continue to go each year.  One has been for 9 times, another from 3rd -11th grade, and plans to return this summer as well.   Students share their experiences of trips they have taken over the years and how that pertains to their “Living the Story”.  Acts 4:20 “We cannot help but speak about what we have seen and heard.”

2007 and 2008 ~ In my first year, my eyes were opened to missions work and the impact which the gospel has when coupled with caring actions (like building chicken coops and inoculating animals), shared from one person to another. (Praying for Mario!) In my second year, I saw firsthand how God unites the body of Christ (that year we went with Immanuel High School) and works through different members to encourage and build his kingdom. The experiences are highlights in my life and I believe God used them to grow in me a desire to continue sharing the gospel with others - at college, on another mission trip, and in South Africa.

                                                                               Mark Bennett

2013 ~ The people of Guatemala struck me by how happy they were when they had so very little. I know life is not about material things but they do make life easier, and life in Guatemala was definitely not easy. In the United States, we take so much for granted while they live with the bare minimum, if even that. My trip to Guatemala helped me appreciate the little things in life, like food on the table and clean drinking water at my disposal.

Karianne Aukeman

2009 2011 2012 Guatemala opened my eyes to the world of missions and how passionate I was for people of the world. I learned to rely on Christ for my every need.

Hannah Dunn

2011 ~ Guatemala gave me the first good insight on what it's like to live and work in a culture different than our own. Also not only did we meet and make new friends in Guatemala, but after the trip we had stronger relationships and some memorable times made with the friends and people who had gone on the trip with us.

Tori Moons

2009 ~ it was incredible. As the first trip I made out of the country, to say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. However it opened my eyes to the power of God through any who say yes to his call. It was the beginning of many yes’es to his calling in my life.
Ashley Neal

2008 ~ Summer after my sophomore year at CVC. The two weeks spent sharing the Gospel the best that I could with my broken Spanish and showing the love of Christ through playing jump rope and painting a mural at the local school were an unforgettable and joyous experience. I am very thankful for the trip and all those who were there as well both physically and spiritually through prayer.

Lacy Graff

2011 ~ Guatemala was a doorway to allowing me to see one of the bigger parts of being a Christian through serving and it made the whole trip worth it. Also it was really fun so that helped too!

Austin Moons

2012 2013 2014 ~  Joined our team in 2012, and 2013, became  summer staff in 2014. Made Magdalena have a permanent place in my heart, and gave me so many amazing experiences that allowed me to see God outside of both the church and worship.

Alexa Blundell

2011, 2012, 2013 ~  CVC can really be a bubble. Though a tight knit community is a great thing, such a small frame of the world can be dangerous. My trips to Guatemala never failed to show me that God is so much bigger than we can possibly fathom. He is constantly moving all over the world, and yet he desires each of us personally. It is both humbling and empowering, and I believe it is something that everybody should experience.

Taylor Boyle

2013, 2014 ~ Guatemala is a life changing experience. This place builds you. I have never felt so close to God and now I just wait till next year! Señora B is a wonderful servant to God. I can't wait till round three.

Brian Fabrie

2007 ~  I came home from school one day and told my mom that I was going to Guatemala. Not knowing why or what would come from the trip. Little did I know, going to Guatemala when I was a sophomore in high school changed my life. It was the most extreme poverty I had ever been exposed to. I laughed, I explored, I cried from being home sick, I taught English in a school and I made many new friends. The quiet times with God stick out to me when we would sit on a hill or go to a quiet place in a house just to be alone with God. Everything in Guatemala felt so real. The piece of my story that changed my life forever was meeting a little boy named Jose Miguel. He had fair-ish skin and light colored eyes. Miguel was special because had an incurable disease. I had the opportunity to go to his families house for dinner and meet them and hear their story. It was. (I still cry as I write this to you). Jose Miguel's family hardly had anything yet they welcomed me into their home and fed me a delicious meal. They were so genuinely happy and thankful for me spending time in the school. Then one morning I heard we were able to sponsor children in Guatemala and I immediately took the book that was passed around and found Jose Miguel's name. I went back to my parents house and remember being an extremely unemotional child before this trip...but I just sat at the table and cried uncontrollably. I cried because I wanted to take Jose Miguel home with me and help cure his disease or give him a life he never had. My parents reminded me thankfully that he has a very loving family in Guatemala and we cannot just take him. However, they lovingly and willingly allowed me to sponsor him and his brother. I also began praying for him. My little world and bubble became so open after that trip. I truly believe that trip became a big part of my story that impacted my life in so many ways. (I even remember coming back and thinking how strange it was to feel carpet under my feet!) I now have my masters in Social Work and this is just one of the pieces of my story that led me into this field of work. I went to Guatemala thinking I would bless others, but I left there feeling so blessed by the people in a way I never could have even imagined.

Megan Greidanus

2008 ~  My trip with SI was the first time I truly lived out my Christian beliefs in a real way because the ministry sites gave me a tangible way to see Christ working in myself and also those around me by our actions instead of reading about others who have walked the Christian walk. Became summer staff in Nicaragua 2014.

Shelly Leyendekker

2006, 2007 ~ Has is really been 10 years. That's crazy. Glad to have been there the first two years with you. I went the first two years, 2006 and 2007. Hope to go again someday. Guatemala isn't just part of my life, it is my life. I went there to help teach kids at the school in Magdalena, but instead they taught me so much more. About how to love and being grateful for every little thing. I still feel like a part of my heart will forever be in Guatemala. And hope that one day I can return with my family.

Margie Koetsier Lynch

2014, 2015 ~ My life was forever changed going to Guatemala. I have never felt so much love from my God and from my team. I have also never been challenged as much as was in Guatemala. These trips have grown my relationship with God tremendously.

Shelby Laber

2013, 2014, and 2015 ~ I went to Guatemala to show Gods love to others but when you are surrounded by people who have nothing and give everything, it's them that shared Gods love with us. Guatemala changed my life. God is working through the people of Magdalena and the teams that He sends. I'm so blessed to have had the opportunity to go three times.

Ruby Koetsier

2014 - Guatemala was a great experience for me! It's so heartwarming to be surrounded by a big group of people who all love the Lord and want to make a difference even if it's small. My favorite memory is from my junior year when everyone pitched in to transport avocados to a truck. It was actually really difficult because they were 15 pounds easily. But the best part was when it started raining. Sure, there were groans and complaining, but we kept moving. Instead of giving up and finding shelter, we fought through the uncomfortable circumstances and we finished transporting all the avocados. This proves that Guatemala can change and teach you. You learn how to be independent and content with what you have and to me it was a really humbling experience.

Anna Leyendekker

2008 - For me, Guatemala was the most beautiful place I had ever stepped foot. I experienced Christ in a whole new, tangible way and a big part of that was the people there. My host family and the art instructor left lasting impressions on me, simply due to the way they soaked up every single thing they heard about God. Their thirst to know and learn more was so childlike and pure and it taught me to strive to have a faith like that.

Bailey Schmidt

2008 and 2009 - God showed me that in order to spread his message we must intentionally and continually pour into people's lives. I was really amazed to see Sra. B return year after year. This really exemplifies Jesus' consistency and commitment in discipling.

Inez Solis

Serving on summer staff in both Guatemala (2013) and Costa Rica (2014) gave me a perspective on missions and an appreciation for missionaries that I never had before. Its hard work that they do, and its not the poverty tourism we unfortunately see a lot of when folks from the states go on short term mission or humanitarian trips. Its real life, hard work, spiritual warfare, trying to love people who are hungry, lonely, abused and struggling. Our missionaries need our prayers. When they ask us to pray for them, we shouldn't take it lightly because the work they are doing is not just an international adventure vacation. Its kingdom work on a rocky spiritual battlefield, standing eye-to-eye with our very broken world. My three-week trips were 2008 and 2009

Kylee Rogers

2013 – the trip to Guatemala taught me and strengthened me in so many things. It taught me about God the Father and the impact that heavenly and earthly fathers have on our lives. It strengthened my existing friendships and absolutely helped me forge new ones. It opened my heart to missions and travel and helped me to refocus my worldview. I am so thankful that I got the opportunity to serve in Guatemala and I wish that I had gone earlier/more.

 Tara Zwart

Leading these student teams over the years have added to my spiritual journey, given me important perspective, and joined passions that I have for teenagers and missions.  I anticipate returning each year, and stories like these are what make this trip extraordinary.  It’s more than a mission trip. As a teacher, I am able to see my students engage in the language for a week long one on one language school experience in Antigua the week prior to the missions trip – that began in 2008.  I want to thank this community for all of the prayer and financial support given to our team. Truly, this would not be possible without all of you at home being our prayer warriors.  Lives have been forever changed, and continue to change. Thank you, parents and community,  for coming alongside of us!

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