Saturday, May 31, 2014

Travel Day!!! May 31.2014

Good morning Visalia, CA! It's hard to believe that tomorrow morning we will be in Antigua, Guatemala. For my devotions this morning, I was reading from the book of Hebrews. Hebrews 12:1 is a wake up call to see our life as a race and run it with passion and zeal and energy and discipline. The author of  Hebrews wants us to get serious about the race, to test ourselves to see if we are running or coasting or lounging on the couch. Running can be hard work..the race can be long...the journey can be difficult...the road can be treacherous. So how can we finish successfully? Paul gives 3 motivations in this passage- to:

  • Look back to the witnesses
  • Look forward to the joy
  • Look up to Jesus
As I was reading that devotional, I thought of Guatemala and my students. Some would be experiencing anticipation for familiarity from last year, others fear at travel or being away from home, some disappointment maybe during the trip. For me personally, I see opportunity. How many lives can I come into contact with and share Jesus love? In our Guatemala preparation devotional given by Students International, they mention how a sailor would use a sextant to enable sailors to navigate their way. By using that tiny instrument, they could tell their course by a specific star. If he got lost or confused, he would find that star and to set his course. That star was always in the same place every night year, after year. God is like that to us, and to me. What an amazing thought! 
 During your time of preparation and leaving, even while we are there,there will be all sorts of feelings- feelings of fear, uncertainty and even doubt that God is using you where you need to be. These are normal feelings that we base on our OWN thinking apart from God. Remember that our greatest need is to know who God is!!! 

I will pray that God is revealed to you in a way He will allow you to Know him more and e perience Him more deeply.  There will be rules, there will be obligations and guidelines, the race can be difficult, and long at times, but  remember to look BACK to the witnesses (parents and home) FORWARD to the joy, and look UP to Jesus!!

Journal your thoughts and feelings this week. It will be great to look back and see how God has used this experience to shape you! Be blessed today! 

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